Eye Check-Up Camp at our School on 24/07/2023

We care about your well-being and want to ensure that you have a healthy and successful academic year ahead. In this regard, we are organizing an Eye Check-Up Camp at our school.

Date: [24/07/2023]

Time: [11:00 am]

Venue: [ School Premises]

Taking care of your eyes is crucial for your overall health and academic performance. The eye check-up camp will be conducted by qualified and experienced optometrists who will perform thorough eye examinations for all students.

During the camp, the optometrists will check for any vision problems, identify common eye issues, and provide appropriate advice and solutions. Early detection and management of eye conditions can significantly improve your visual health and overall well-being.

Participation in the eye check-up camp is strongly encouraged. It is a simple and non-invasive process that will not take much of your time.

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